An excellent resource covering in detail,
the pioneering days of the San Juan Islands.
*Several references to Boyce pioneers in the 1800's.
Author: David Richardson ©1990
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Another excellent resource profiling the pioneers
of the San Juan Islands through stories recalled
by their descendants.
*Several personal references to Boyce pioneers in the 1800's.
Authors: Jo-Bailey Cummings, Al Cummings ©1987
A Beautiful 18" x 14" map showing the property location of "Rudolph and Jacob Buys" (Our common ancestors), at Livingston Manor, Columbia County, NY., in 1798. ( Click here for a sample of the detail! )
Jonathan Sheppard Books,
P.O. Box 2020, Plaza Station,
Albany, NY 12220Web site:
24-hour faxline - (518) 766-9181
Cut and paste the following information in the body of your e-mail request:
[B 3] A Map of the Towns of Livingston, Germantown, and Clermont in the County of Columbia, Compiled From Actual Surveys in January, 1798 by John Wigram, 1798. (The Livingston Manor). This handsome map shows roads, farms, mills and churches.
Black and white map, printed on 18" x 24" paper.
(Specify "rolled" for framing purposes)