We would like to acknowledge
the following sources of information and photos which helped to
make this web site possible. . .
Granted Written Permission from: David Richardson, Author: Pig War Islands ©1990
Granted Written permission from: Publisher, Allen Messick, The Journal of the San Juan Islands Newspaper
The following is a special thanks to "All" Boyce and extended family members for their Story and Photo Contributions. . .
"We would like to acknowledge with great appreciation, the extensive work done by Peggy and Jose Henscik in scanning, image-editing and other digital photo work done in connection with the creation of their Yahoo Club site."Also we would like to extend a personal thanks to all those who have taken the time to directly relay family histories on the phone and through mail correspondence including:
Eleanor Louise Boyce-Johnson, Cousin
John (Jack) Boice of CT., and Dorothy Boice-Woolsey of CA, Cousins
Katherine Mildred Beryl Wade-Roberts, Cousin, Family Historian
Clayton Francis Boyce & Doris Maxine Forbes-Boyce, Cousins, Family Historians
Linda Boyce-Morgan, Cousin, Family Historian
Alton Boyce, Cousin, formerly of San Juan Island.
Georgina Beryl Boyce-Farfan, Aunt "Gigi"Dorothy Jean Pendergast-Boyce, "Mom"
Betty Sprague, Family MemberCynthia Jane Boice-Stoltz, Cousin
F. Leigh Boice, Cousin
Don Chase, Cousin
Cemira Price, Cousin
I would also like to recognize those"Gene-angels" on behalf of their countless efforts and look-up request help:
Greene County New York:
Doug Leary, Historian
Sylvia Hasenkopf, Historian
Lisa Orecchio, Historian
April Saccoccio, Historian
Columbia County New York:
Ginny Formel, Historian
Dorothea See, Historian
Cidney Engberg, Historian
Pat Holling, Historian
Nancy Griffith, Historian
Arthur C.M. & Nancy V. Kelly, Historians
Susan M. Kelly